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Planet Darius in Darius Gaiden.

Darius is a planet in its Planetary System. It is an important plot element throughout the Darius series, appearing in almost every of its installments. Darius is satellited by the moon Kazumn.


The planet Darius was discovered by Sameluck Raida and Lutia Feen from Amnelia when fighting the Kazumn-based Thiimas in Amnelian year 626.

In year 2402 Darius declared its independence from Amnelia. This year became year 1 of Darius' new calender. 201 years later Darius was attacked by Belser, but Belser's army was repelled thanks to pilot-duo Tiat and Proco. Sadly the planet became a "star of death" and had to be evacuated. Many of it's people traveled to the two planets Orga and Vadis. Some also traveled to the Solar System, but this may have happened years later.

In year 1642 of the Darius calender; some of the decedents of those that had immigrated to Vadis began the return to and revival of Darius. The people of Vadis had to once again face Belser in their mission to do this. Though having been revived Darius was once more attacked by Belser in year 1904.
